How Life is Like a Shopping Mall

So you are wondering what could Uremma possibly be thinking? How can she compare life to a common shopping mall?
Interesting question. Ha!
I have an answer.

Today I was at a shopping mall. (Name not worth mentioning since the mall didn’t pay for advert). When I was perusing the shelves and came across cans of sweet corn.
Knowing my mom and what she likes(believe me those are two different things), I knew she would want corn.
There were four brands. One, Two, Three, Four.I might not be a fan of numbers but I know how to count.
For the sake of this article let us say they were two.
One I knew.
One I didn’t .
Some people say that the devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know.
Not sure.
Not from my experience though.

Back to the mall.
Choosing. Hard .Forget the choice I made it is inconsequential to this text.
Based on choices I can group people into two;
Safe people
Risk Takers
Safe people fear. They are afraid of the unknown. Such people lack faith or simply put in Unchristianese belief. Their life is shallow. Although you can rely on them they can be monotonous.
Risk Takers
These are the wild cards. Risks, Hello danger, Roar, Bungee jumping, Sky diving. They live on the edge of life . Although unreliable, they are fun. They are probably the ones that actually live life.

Written by Grace Uduma-Olugu Amamma

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